Naming Opportunities
Museum staff are always available to speak with donors about opportunities for meaningful recognition. Explore your options below.
Buy a Paver
Set your thoughts in stone

Purchasing a paver is one of the easiest and most memorable ways you can be a part of the MMGM story.
In the true spirit of being Maine to the core, the pavers that grace the grounds of the Arthur M. Hussey Memorial Rock Garden are from the historic North Jay Granite Quarry located in North Jay, Maine. Each paver is unique, holding interesting geologic features such as pegmatite veins, cherry red garnets, and “xenoliths,” i.e. foreign rock that was entrapped into the original granitic melt.
Pricing ranges from $500 to $2500, and availability is limited.
For more information, or to speak with the museum about a paver dedication, please contact Celesse Perkens, Membership and Development Coordinator: 207.824.3036, or email
Galleries & Museum Spaces
Commemorative naming opportunities are part of the museum’s “Preserving Maine’s Past – Inspiring Its Future” Capital Campaign and allow donors to link their gift to a museum program, exhibit or gallery. Individuals, Foundations, families, and businesses can be recognized in galleries and other museum spaces, with your name(s) or in honor of someone special.
Gift levels ranging from $15,000 to $500,000 will be recognized with commemorative naming opportunities, available as an outright gift or by a pledge payable over a period of up to five years.
Your major support will ensure MMGM can provide comprehensive education programs and research, campus expansion, and the development of a Lapidary Arts Studio and Archives Library. Browse our Museum Map online for a list of museum spaces.

Arthur M. Hussey Memorial Rock Garden
Maine's Most Unique Geological Exhibit

The Arthur M. Hussey Memorial Rock Garden introduces Maine’s geology with 26 truly amazing geological specimens hand-selected from around the State. Each specimen has an interesting story to tell and access to this exhibit is available 24/7.
The MMGM Rock Garden is featured as part of the “Maine Geologic Facts and Localities” series produced by the Maine Geological Survey. Dig deeper and access a copy of this publication here.
You can sponsor a specimen in the rock garden with a donation. Your name (or designee) will be displayed in the rock garden. This is an enduring recognition. Contact Jessica Siraco, Executive Director for more information at 207.824.3036 or