Today's Hours: 10 AM to 5 PM

Schedule & Curriculum

The Maine Pegmatite Workshop schedule includes daily in-depth classroom sessions and field trips, evening lectures, a private tour of the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum, and much more. 

The Maine Pegmatite Workshop curriculum delves deeply into a broad array of pegmatite-focused topics including, but not limited to:

The Maine Pegmatite Workshop course book is a newly revised and updated second edition of the textbook, “Pegmatology 2nd edition: Pegmatite Mineralogy, Petrology and Paragenesis,” written by the workshop faculty. Full of details which have been gathered specifically to complement the workshop, it is full of information not easily found anywhere else, and will be a text you can use for many years. Each participant will receive a copy of the textbook, which is included in the registration fee.

We have taken our registrant’s interests, opinions and comments each year and tailored the workshop to explore as many topics as we can in four intensive days. We invite you to join us in 2025 and enjoy this experience.

Detailed schedule is subject to change. Final schedule will be announced at the workshop.

The Maine Pegmatite Workshop

September 17-21, 2025.

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